aleron kong

What is LitRPG and its subgenres?

LitRPG is the genre you’ve been looking for!

My name is Aleron Kong and I am a writer in a relatively new genre called LitRPG.

My series, The Land, has 100,000 5-star reviews and I am Audible’s Customer Favorite of the Year. I have been blessed to meet and connect with fans and readers around the world. Despite that, most people have zero idea what LitRPG even is lol. I have been writing in the genre for years, and the entire time I have been explaining what it is, but I realized I never really took the time to formally write it down. So here goes.

LitRPG, or Literature Role Playing Game, is a new book genre that incorporates video games with classic SciFi/Fantasy. If you’re confused, you’re not the only one.

LitRPG novels follow 2 broad rules:

  1. A component of the story follows an “explicitly stated” form of progression.
    Put another way, in a classic fantasy story, the character might practice with a sword master. The author skips forward a month, and the main character is just “stronger.”
    In a LitRPG novel, that progress would instead be explicitly stated,
    Example: You have reached level 2 in Swordmanship. +4% to damage with Swords. +4% to attack speed with Swords

  2. The story involves a “game type” world that is integral to the story
    A popular trope of LitRPG is that the main character becomes stuck in a Virtual Reality world. Other stories have characters that live in a universe that operates by game principles, ie questing, leveling and finding amazing loot.

These two rules are broad for a reason. Just as there are many different types of games with many different types of rules, there even more potential LitRPG stories. Definitely more in fact, as a LitRPG novel is only bounded by the author’s imagination, rather than a computer’s processing power.

If you are still confused, again, you’re not fully alone, so don’t despair! The true definition of a LitRPG is a story that makes you feel like you are playing a video game. That finger tingling excitement, controller chucking frustration and hero awakening struggles come through in a well done LitRPG. Whether you’re a young gamer or an elderly retiree who misses old games of 1st gen DnD, LitRPG scratches that gaming itch for the millions of us that are both readers and gamers.

In fact, just by reading this blog, you have unlocked a Quest: Discover your next great love!

Success Conditions: Find a LitRPG story and give it 10 minutes

Rewards: A wonderful obsession that combines your favorite things!

WARNING: If you start reading LitRPG, you might never turn back!

Thank you for reading!

Aleron Kong


How to contact Aleron!

1) AUTHOR PAGE: Join me for almost weekly FB lives convos, giveaways and lots of laughs

2) FACEBOOK GROUP: Join THOUSANDS of other Mist Villagers to joke about The Land, harass Aleron about writing faster and to win great loot! Signed books, Free T-shirts, etc

It has a list of ALL the LitRPG out there, awesome t-shirts and signed books, my blog and just all around awesomeness!

4) PATREON: For sneak previews of upcoming books and seeing new artwork first, please join my patreon account. I am an indie author which means no publishing house. Your support means the world to me!


6) NEWSLETTER: The best choice if you just want to know when the next book is coming out. I do a monthly newsletter with updates, uplifting stories and funny vids. You can sign up here. If you sign up, you get a free copy of The Land Comic lol!

7) YOUTUBE: Me and my friends make funny/stupid videos 😊 I also do video testimonials with occasional spoilers! FREE on Youtube (yes I know youtube is always free but hey… its FREE lol)

The picture attached shows the various subgenres and when they were created!


What a great week!

Guys it's been a great week! Thanks so much to my fans for supporting my new book and thanks to my awesome patrons for supporting me as an author and getting the sneak peek chapters. I am blown away by how many of you signed up to get chapters in advance. 

I owe some of you signed copies of my first book. I am signing them now and they'll be in your hands soon! It's pretty surreal every time I mail out books. Even with being on book six, I am just happy you guys like reading them. 

Many, many thanks and as always peace love and the perfect margarita!